User Manual

Table Of Contents
Product Use
In some regions, it is prohibited by law to ride motorcycles or bicycles
while wearing headsets. Therefore be certain to comply with all
relevant laws in the region before using the product.
Use of the product at a high volume for a long period of time may
damage your eardrums or hearing ability. Keep the volume at a modest
Do not cause impact to the product or touch it with sharp tools as this
may damage the product.
Do not use the product in high-temperatures or apply heat to the
product as this may cause damage, explosion, or re.
Keep the product dry and away from water. It may damage the product.
Keep product away from pets or small children. It may damage the
product or cause accidents.
Do not use the product near a microwave oven or a wireless LAN
device as this may cause malfunction or interference with the product.
In any place where wireless communication is prohibited, such as
hospitals or airplanes, turn off the power and refrain from using the
product. In a place where wireless communication is prohibited,
electromagnetic waves may cause hazards or accidents.
Do not use the product near hazardous explosives. When there are near
any explosion hazards, turn off the power and heed any regulations,
instructions, and signs in the area.
When using the product, drive at a low speed (slower than 35km/h) for
safety. In addition, be certain to conform to laws regarding the use of
communications devices while driving.
Do not put the product where it may hamper the driver's vision or
manipulate it while driving. This may cause trafc accidents.
Before driving, fasten the product to the helmet, and double-check
that it is fastened. Separation of the product while driving may cause
damage to the product or accidents.
If the product is damaged, stop using it immediately. It may cause
damage, explosion, or re.
This product has an irreplaceable rechargeable battery inside.
Therefore, when using the product, make sure to adhere to the following:
Never separate the battery from the product as this may damage the
The battery performance may be reduced over time with usage.
In recharging the battery, make sure to use an approved charger
provided by the manufacturer. Use of a non-approved charger may
cause re, explosion, leakage, and other hazards may also reduce the
life time or performance of the battery.