Use and Care Manual

Food Mixer
STM 3620WH, STM 3621GR, STM 3622BL, STM 3623OR, STM 3624RD
STM 3625VT, STM 3626YL, STM 3627TQ, STM 3628RS
Eggs should be at room temperature to give the correct volume to baked goods. Crack the eggs
individually into a separate bowl and only then add to the other ingredients. This will prevent ruining
the entire batch if one of the eggs is rotten. If you will be whisking the egg whites, carefully separate
them from the yolks. Egg yolks contain fat and their remains prevent the successful whipping up of egg
whites. Before you start whipping the egg whites, make sure that the whisk and the mixing bowl are
completely clean and without fat residues. Otherwise, the egg whites might not be perfectly whipped.
Full-cream milk should be used unless indicated in the recipe otherwise. Low-fat or half-cream milk can
be used but the final taste and texture of the baked goods may be different.
Usually white granulated sugar is used. It adds flavour, texture and colour to baked goods.
Caster sugar is also frequently used because it dissolves easier when it is whipped with butter. Brown
sugar may be used to add a different taste and colour to the baked goods.
Allow the oven to preheat to the correct temperature before starting baking.
The baking temperature may differ depending on the type of baking oven. Reduce the temperature
indicated in the recipe by 15–20 ˚C if using a hot-air oven.
Instead of floured baking pans and trays, you can use parchment paper if appropriate. You can coat
the baking pan with a small amount of fat to prevent the parchment paper from sliding on the
smooth surface of the baking pan.
Test that the baked good is finished before taking it out of the oven. Gently touch the top of the
baked good, if it returns to its initial shape, it should be properly baked. Carefully insert a skewer
into the middle of the baked good and pull it out. If the dough does not stick to the skewer, the
baked good is finished.
To make biscuits crispier, take the baking tray out of the oven and place it onto a metal rack. Move
the individual items on the baking tray from their baking location and allow them to cool down.
Once they cool down move them from the baking tray to a platter.