Use and Care Manual

Food Mixer
STM 3620WH, STM 3621GR, STM 3622BL, STM 3623OR, STM 3624RD
STM 3625VT, STM 3626YL, STM 3627TQ, STM 3628RS
Sponge cake
4 eggs, separated egg whites from yolks
¼ of a cup of caster sugar
1 cup (150 g) of medium-fine flour with baking powder, sieved
3 tablespoons of water
Use the whisk A2.
Set the speed level to 6 and whisk up the egg whites into a thick foam. Reduce the speed level to
1 and slowly add sugar until the foam thickens and stops to be smooth.
Add the egg yolks and mix carefully.
Set the speed level to 1 and intermittently add flour and water. Whisk until the ingredients
Pour the dough into a pre-prepared greased and floured baking pan.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for approx. 20–25 minutes.
Allow the baked sponge cake to cool down on a metal rack.
Vanilla batter dough cake
125 g of butter, softened
¾ of a cup of caster sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
2 eggs
2 cups (300 g) of medium-fine flour with baking powder, sieved
¾ of a cup of milk
Use the beater A3.
Set the speed to 6 and beat the butter together with sugar until the mixture is fluffy and smooth.
Add the vanilla essence, eggs one after the other and beat them thoroughly.
Reduce the speed to 2 and slowly intermittently add flour and milk and beat until a smooth dough
Pour the dough into a pre-greased and floured baking pan with a diameter of 22 cm.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for approximately 45–50 minutes or until the dough is golden
in colour.
Allow the baked cake to cool down on a metal platter.
Butter biscuits (approx. 40 pcs)
125 g of butter, softened
¾ of a cup of caster sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 egg
2 cups (300 g) of medium-fine flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Use the beater A3.
Set the speed to 6 and beat the butter until smooth. Add sugar, vanilla essence and the egg. Beat
until a light smooth mixture is created.
Mix the flour and the baking powder.