User Manual

Using the EM 300-500 G4
Easy Setup menu item
You can scan for unused frequencies using the Easy Setup menu item.
When you have connected multiple EM 300-500 G4 devices to a network
via the RJ-45 interfaces (see “Creating a data network”), you can perform
the frequency setup for all of the connected receivers.
Switch off all transmitters before you perform the scan. If trans-
mitters are still switched on, they are detected as unavailable fre-
quencies and the frequencies that are actually available cannot
then be used.
To open the Easy Setup menu item:
On the home screen, press the jog dial to open the operating menu.
Turn the jog dial until the Easy Setup menu item appears in the selec-
tion frame.
Press the jog dial to open the menu.
Scan New List
Select Scan New List to scan for unused frequencies.
Press the jog dial to start the scan.
The frequency range of the receiver is scanned. As a result, the number
of unused frequencies is displayed for every frequency bank.
Turn the jog dial to select a frequency bank.
Press the jog dial to confirm your selection.
Turn the jog dial to select an unused frequency from the selected bank.
Press the jog dial to save your selection and synchronize the selected
frequency with the transmitter at a later point (see “Synchronizing de-