ADN Media Control Protocol

Table Of Contents
Protocol Basics
4|ADN MediaCtrl Protocol
String Parameters (Serial Numbers)
String parameters are used to enter/display serial numbers of speaking units and antenna
modules. The format is an identification code followed by the 6 digit serial number.
Identification Codes:
Wireless delegate unit with serial number 100017: D1W100017
Wired delegate unit with serial number 100004: D1100004
Wireless president unit with serial number 100001: C1W100001
Antenna Module with serial number 100001: AM100001
Error Codes
Invalid MediaCtrl commands are responded by an error code: error [error code]: [error text];
See chapter ‘Error codes’ on page 26 for details.
The following list contains some examples. The ‘Response’ is just an example how the CU might
Command: FloorVolume 7;
The FloorVolume shall be set to 7.
Response: FloorVolume 7;
The FloorVolume has been set to 7.
Command: FloorVolume #1;
The current FloorVolume shall be increased by 1.
Response: FloorVolume 8;
The FloorVolume has been increased from 7 to 8.
Command: FloorVolume #-1;
The current FloorVolume shall be decreased by1.
Response: FloorVolume 7;
The FloorVolume has been decreased from 8 to 7.
Request: FloorVolume;
Get request for the current FloorVolume.
Response: FloorVolume 7;
The current FloorVolume is 7.
Request: MicButton 1;
Virtually press the microphone button of wired DU on EtherCat position 1.
Response: MicStatus 1 1;
The microphone at position 1 is ON.
Request: MicStatus 1;
Get the status of the microphone at position 1.
Response: MicStatus 1 1;
The microphone at position 1 is ON.
Request: MicButtonSN D1100023;
Virtually press the microphone button of wired DU with serial number D1100023.
Code Unit
AM Antenna Module
C1 Wired Chairman Unit
D1 Wired Delegate Unit
C1W Wireless Chairman Unit
D1W Wireless Delegate Unit