ADN System Instruction Manual

Table Of Contents
Using the “Conference Manager” software
150 | ADN Digital Conference System
Adjusting the View windows to your needs
You can adjust the Room View window and the Delegate View window to your
eds. The library panels can be hidden or shown and can be changed in size.
Changes to the View windows are not automatically saved and are reset to the fac-
tory default settings when the software is exited.
Hiding, showing and resizing
ibrary panels
Library panels that show the or icon can be hidden and shown:
The header of a library panel is always displayed.
To hide a library panel:
Click the or icon in the header of th
e library panel that you want to hide.
To show a library panel:
Click the or icon in the header of the library
panel that you want to show.
To change the size of a library panel:
Move over the or icon between the library panels.
e mouse pointer becomes the resize tool .
Adjust the size of the libr
ary panel as needed.
Adjusting the column width
of the
participant list
To change the column width of the participant list:
Move the mouse pointer over the header of the participant list.
The m
ouse pointer becomes the resize tool .
Adjust the column width as needed.
The and icons show whether the “Equipment”, “Images” or
Microphone Unit(s)” library panel is locked ( ) or unlocked ( ) (see
page 1
A double-click automatically adjusts the column width to fit the contents.