ADN System Instruction Manual

Table Of Contents
Using the “Conference Manager” software
156 | ADN Digital Conference System
Loading a configuration
In the menu bar, click “Global Menu” > “Open Conference...”.
The “Open
window appears.
If the sof
tware is connected to a central unit (see page 154), you can load three
types of configurations:
Loading a configuration ...
... of an active (running)
To load your configuration in “Live“
Select the “Open Active Conference Document
from CU” option button.
Click “OK”.
o select the operating mode (“Setup”
or “Live”) in
which the configuration is to be loaded:
Select the “Open Conference Document from CU
option b
Select the configuration of an active conference
ked with an asterisk “*”) from the drop-
down list.
Select the operating mode (“Setup” or “Live”)
and c
lick “OK”.
* After loading a configuration, the conference automatically starts in “Live” operating
mode. Also observe the information on page 158.
** In “Setup” operating mode, you can adapt existing configurations to your needs.
... of a non-active
To select the operating mode (“Setup” or “Live”) in
which the configuration is to be loaded:
Select the “Open Conference Document from CU
on b
Select the configuration of a non-active confer-
ence (not marked with an asterisk “*”) from the
own list)
Select the operating mode (“Setup” or “Live”)
and c
lick “OK”.
... of a conference saved
locally on the hard disk
*** Only available if you are using the Windows version of the software – even if there is no
connection to a central unit.
Select the “Open Local Conference Document
option button.
Click “OK” and select the desired configuration
from the “Open Conference” file selection dialog
box (f
e extension “*.adn”).
Click “OK”.
The confe
rence is loaded in “Setup” operating
If you open a configuration in “Setup” operating mode, the password set
will be prompted (where applies) (see page 152).