Sound Control Protocol for SpeechLine Digital Wireless

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SSC Developer‘s guide for SpeechLine Digital Wireless | 104/109
SSC Method List (CHG 2N/CHG 4N)
14.52 /bays/bat_cycles
Parameter type: Array of 2 numbers (CHG 2N) / Array of 4 numbers (CHG 4N)
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to retrieve the number of charging cycles of the inserted transmitters.
Example CHG 2N:
TX: {"bays":{"bat_cycles":null}}
RX: {"bays":{"bat_cycles":[0,20]}}
Example CHG 4N:
TX: {"bays":{"bat_cycles":null}}
RX: {"bays":{"bat_cycles":[0,20,28,16]}}
14.53 /bays/identify
Parameter type: Array of 2 booleans (CHG 2N) / Array of 4 booleans (CHG 4N)
Permission: Write, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to identify the slots of a CHG 2N / CHG 4N. Send a boolean array in the order
SLT1 – SLT2 / SLT1 – SLT4 to make all LEDs of that slot flash (true) or to turn them off (false). Send null
to not change the identify state. Identify state is held for 10s.
Example CHG 2N:
TX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,false]}}
RX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,false]}}
TX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,null]}}
RX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,false]}}
Example CHG 4N:
TX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,false,false,false]}}
RX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,false,false,false]}}
TX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,null,null,null]}}
RX: {"bays":{"identify":[true,false,false,false]}}