Sound Control Protocol for SpeechLine Digital Wireless

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SSC Developer‘s guide for SpeechLine Digital Wireless | 52/109
SSC Method List (SL Multi-Channel Receiver DW)
Optional properties are:
type string "Number", "String", "Boolean", or "Container"
min number minimum valid value
max number maximum valid value
inc number recommended user interface increment value
units string String describing value units (preferably SI)
desc string descriptive text, meant for display to the user
option string array of all allowed options for the value
option_desc string array with description text relating to the option values
The language for "units", "description" and "option_desc" MAY depend on /device/language.
TX: {"osc":{"limits":[{"device":{"led":{"brightness":null}}}]}}
RX: {"osc":{"limits":[{"device":{"led":{"brightness":[{"type":
"max":"5","inc":"1","units":"","desc":"Method to set the leds
TX: {"osc":{"limits":[{"audio":{"rx1":{"equalizer":{"preset":null}}}}]}}
RX: {"osc":{"limits":[{"audio":{"rx1":{"equalizer":{"preset":[{"type":
["Equalizer preset Off","Equalizer preset set to female speech",
"Equalizer preset set to male speech","Equalizer preset set to media",
"Equalizer preset set to custom settings"],"desc":"Method to select
the equalizer preset for the channel"}]}}}}]}}
11.7 /osc/feature/pattern
Parameter type: Boolean.
Permission: Read only.
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Support for address pattern matching is OPTIONAL for an SSC Server; it MAY be left out
in a restricted implementation. If the SSC Server does not support address pattern matching, it MUST
treat the special pattern characters like normal characters. An SSC Client can find out whether ad-
dress patterns are supported by receiving error replies, or by calling the SSC Method /osc/feature/
TX: {"osc":{"feature":{"pattern":null}}}
RX: {"osc":{"feature":{"pattern":false}}}
11.8 /osc/feature/baseaddr
Parameter type: Boolean.
Permission: Read only.
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Using a baseaddr helps to explore a device in a truly interactive manner, and may addi-
tionally be used to reduce message lengths by shortening addresses in SSC requests.
A client may query /osc/feature/baseaddr to inquire whether the SSC Server supports setting a
method base address.
TX: {"osc":{"feature":{"baseaddr":null}}}
RX: {"osc":{"feature":{"baseaddr":false}}}