Sound Control Protocol for SpeechLine Digital Wireless

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SSC Developer‘s guide for SpeechLine Digital Wireless | 64/109
SSC Method List (SL Multi-Channel Receiver DW)
11.48 /device/date
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to retrieve the current time of the SL MCR DW.
TX: {"device":{"date":null}}
RX: {"device":{"date":"Fri Oct 2 17:37:59 UTC 2020"}}
11.49 /device/time
Parameter type: Number
Permission: Read/Write
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: The change has effect immediately.
Description: Method to get/set the current time of the SL MCR DW.
The value represents the seconds elapsed since January 1, 2000. E.g. a value of 582874956
corresponds to "Thu Jun 21 05:42:36 UTC 2018"
TX: {"device":{"time":null}}
RX: {"device":{"time":657200038}}
TX: {"device":{"time":657200038}}
RX: {"device":{"time":657200038}}
TX: {"device":{"date":null}}
RX: {"device":{"date":"Wed Oct 28 11:33:58 UTC 2020"}}
11.50 /device/timeprecision
Parameter type: Number
Permission: Read only
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to retrieve the time precision in seconds.
For SL MCR DW the time precision is one second. Therefore, the return value is always 1.
TX: {"device":{"timeprecision":null}}
RX: {"device":{"timeprecision":1}}
11.51 /device/warnings
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to get SL MCR DW warnings. Supported warnings are "NONE" if there is no warn-
ing, "HW_FAILURE" in case during device start-up a HW failure is detected, "MIXERDSP_FAILURE"
in case the communication to the Mixer DSP failed, "SETTINGS_SAVE_FAILED" if the saving
of system settings failed, "UPDATE_FAILED" if the SL MCR DW device firmware update failed,