Sound Control Protocol for SpeechLine Digital Wireless

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SSC Developer‘s guide for SpeechLine Digital Wireless | 75/109
SSC Method List (SL Multi-Channel Receiver DW)
11.88 /audio/out1/desc
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Method to retrieve the description of audio/out1
TX: {"audio":{"out1":{"desc":null}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out1":{"desc":"Analog audio output"}}}
11.89 /audio/out1/label
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to retrieve the output label.
TX: {"audio":{"out1":{"label":null}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out1":{"label":"Analog Out"}}}
11.90 /audio/out1/mixer/gain
Parameter type: Number (limit range)
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to set the gain for out1 in dB. The parameter value must be inside the index
range [-24..12] with an incremental value of 6.
TX: {"audio":{"out1":{"mixer":{"gain":null}}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out1":{"mixer":{"gain":0}}}}
11.91 /audio/out2/identity/version
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to retrieve the software version of the Dante interface.
TX: {"audio":{"out2":{"identity":{"version":null}}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out2":{"identity":{"version":"4.2.1"}}}}
11.92 /audio/out2/network/ether/interfaces
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only
Pre-condition: N.A.