Sound Control Protocol for SpeechLine Digital Wireless

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SSC Developer‘s guide for SpeechLine Digital Wireless | 77/109
SSC Method List (SL Multi-Channel Receiver DW)
11.96 /audio/out2/network/ipv4/ipaddr
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Read-only array containing a list of the current IPv4 addresses of all the DANTE Ethernet
interfaces of the device. The order of the list matches /audio/out2/network/ether/interfaces. The
IPv4 addresses are specified as strings in standard dot-decimal notation.
TX: {"audio":{"out2":{"network":{"ipv4":{"ipaddr":null}}}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out2":{"network":{"ipv4":{"ipaddr":
11.97 /audio/out2/network/ipv4/netmask
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Read-only array containing a list of the current IPv4 netmasks of all the DANTE Ethernet
interfaces of the device. The order of the list matches /audio/out2/network/ether/interfaces. The
IPv4 netmasks are specified as strings in standard dot-decimal notation.
TX: {"audio":{"out2":{"network":{"ipv4":{"netmask":null}}}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out2":{"network":{"ipv4":{"netmask":
11.98 /audio/out2/network/ipv4/gateway
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Read-only array containing a list of the IPv4 gateways of all the DANTE Ethernet inter-
faces of the device. The order of the list matches /audio/out2/network/ether/interfaces. The IPv4
gateways are specified as strings in standard dot-decimal notation.
TX: {"audio":{"out2":{"network":{"ipv4":{"gateway":null}}}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out2":{"network":{"ipv4":{"gateway":
11.99 /audio/out2/network/ipv4/manual_ipaddr
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read/Write, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: An array containing a list of the IPv4 addresses of the DANTE Ethernet interfaces. The
order of the list matches /audio/out2/network/ether/interfaces. The IPv4 addresses are specified as
strings in standard dot-decimal notation. The IPv4 addresses in are immediately used by the device
if the corresponding entries in /audio/out2/network/ipv4/auto are set to false. Changing the setting
for one interface while maintaining the current setting for the other interface is possible with the
value ‘null’.