Media Control Protocol for ew G4 series

TI 1254 v1.0 - ew G4 | 16/37
Technical information
Media control protocol description
Frequency 822000 2 10<CR>
If frequency corresponds to bank and channel bank will be set to 2 and channel to 10. Sennheiser
device replies with Frequency 822000 2 10<CR> If frequency does not correspond to bank and
channel frequency will be stored in user bank U1.0 Sennheiser device replies with Frequency
822000 0 0<CR>.
Frequency 822000 150 10<CR>
Frequency is stored in user bank U1.0 although parameter bank is out of range. Sennheiser device
replies with Frequency 822000 2 10<CR>.
Frequency 56 2 9<CR>
1020: Value out of range [ Frequency 56 2 9 ]<CR> Due to wrong frequency error message is sent to
media control.
Frequency #1 5 7<CR>
1040: Invalid numbers of parameter [ Frequency #1 5 7 ]<CR> as it is not reasonable to pass bank
and channel parameters although the frequency is intended to be incremented.
Frequency 821000<CR>
Frequency is stored in user bank U1.0. Sennheiser device replies with Frequency 821000 0 0<CR>.
Frequency #1<CR>
Frequency is increased by one step size. If previous frequency was 821000 Sennheiser device re-
plies with 821025 0 0<CR>.
This is a get request. A possible return could be ‚Frequency 822000 2 10<CR>‘, which means fre-
quency is set to 822.000 MHz, bank preset 2 and channel 10 is selected. Another possible return
could be ‚Frequency 822000 0 0<CR>‘. This means the frequency is set to 822.000 MHz and is
stored in user bank U1.0.