Users Manual

Using the EM 6000
System -> Dante Settings (only EM 6000 DANTE)
menu item
In this menu item, you can configure the network settings for the Dante™
network. This menu item is available only with the product version
EM 6000 DANTE.
To open the Dante Settings menu item:
Turn the jog dial in the System menu item until the Dante Settings
menu item appears in the selection frame.
Press the jog dial to open the menu.
In the Dante Settings menu items, the following sub-items are available:
Note that all settings that you configure in the sub-items and save
with the SAVE button are flagged with a star in the Dante Settings
menu. Once you configure all the settings, you must close the overall
Dante Settings menu item with the SAVE button to apply the configured
settings. If you close the Dante Settings menu item with the ESC button,
all the settings are discarded.
Device ID
This menu item shows the device name under which the EM 6000 DANTE
is available in the Dante™ network. You cannot configure any settings here.