Users Manual

Using the EM 6000
Home screen 3
The third home screen contains the following status information about the
transmitter settings.
Display on the display
Shows the microphone module with which
the handheld transmitter is equipped
Recommended microphone modules for the
handheld transmitter: „Microphone mod-
Displays the gain setting for the transmitter.
This setting can be configured in the trans-
mitter menu. See „Operating the SKM 6000
menu“ or „Operating the SK 6000 menu“.
Alternatively, the gain setting can also be
configured in the receiver and synchronized
with the transmitter. See „Sync Settings
menu item“.
Low Cut
Shows the low cut filter setting for the trans-
This setting can be configured in the trans-
mitter menu. See „Operating the SKM 6000
menu“ or „Operating the SK 6000 menu“.
Alternatively, the low cut setting can also be
configured in the receiver and synchronized
with the transmitter. See „Sync Settings
menu item“.
Shows the transmitter product variant. See
„SKM 6000 product variants“ or „SK 6000
product variants“.