Sound Control Protocol Digital 6000 (EM 6000 | L 6000)

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SSC Developer‘s guide for Digital 6000 | 31/57
SSC Method List (EM 6000)
8.96 /sys/clock_frequency_measured
This method returns the clock frequency measured on the Wordclock input of the receiver.
Possible values are [‘< 15378 Hz’, ‘15378 Hz’...’1999998 Hz, ‘> 1999998 Hz’].
type: Read only
value: string
Tx: {"sys":{"clock_frequency_measured":null}}
Rx: {"sys":{"clock_frequency_measured":"48000 Hz"}}
8.97 /sys/clock
This method returns the Clock mode for the Wordclock input.
type: Read/Write
value: number
type: Number
options , option_desc
1. 1 , Clock State Internal 48kHz
2. 2 , Clock State Internal 96kHz
3. 3 , Clock State External
4. 4 , Clock State Internal MAN
Tx: {"sys":{"clock":null}}
Rx: {"sys":{"clock":2}}
8.98 /sys/brightness
This method sets or returns the brightness level of both displays in percent.
type: Read/Write
value: number
Tx: {"sys":{"brightness":null}}
Rx: {"sys":{"brightness":80}}
8.99 /sys/booster
This method sets and returns the boosterfeed status.
type: Read/Write
value: Boolean
Tx: {"sys":{"booster":null}}
Rx: {"sys":{"booster":true}}