Sound Control Protocol Digital 6000 (EM 6000 | L 6000)

Table Of Contents
SSC Developer‘s guide for Digital 6000 | 36/57
SSC Method List (EM 6000)
8.120 /device/name
User-settable persistent device name (Device ID). This name should be the preferred, and most con-
venient way for the customer to identify devices. The device name is reflected in the EM6000 menu
as well.
The Device ID is reflected in the device discovery. The MAC address will be added to the device name
automatically to avoid naming conflicts in the device discovery.
(in the example is the MAC address shown as xxxxxxxxxxxx)
type: Read/Write
value: String
TX: {"device":{"name":null}}
RX: {"device":{"name":"Digital6000-001b66xxxxxx"}}
TX: {"device":{"name":"EM6000"}}
RX: {"device":{"name":"EM6000-001b66xxxxxx"}}
8.121 /device/language
User-settable value determining the language to be used for values returned by the server which
are meant to be displayed to the user. Examples are /osc/error/desc, /osc/limits/.../desc, /osc/
An SSC Client can determine the possible language options by querying /osc/limits/device/lan-
Languages are encoded with 2-3-letter-codes as per the locale convention. Default language is Brit-
ish English, "en_GB".
Support for languages is optional. Restricted SSC Servers may omit description texts completely;
they should return an empty string for /device/language. Servers offering only one fixed language
should return that for /device/language, and refuse attempts to change it.
type: Read-only
value: [String]
TX: {"device":{"language":null}}
RX: {"device":{"language":["en_GB"]}}
8.122 /osc/state/prettyprint
SSC reply output style is not supported. Returns false.