Sound Control Protocol Digital 6000 (EM 6000 | L 6000)

Table Of Contents
SSC Developer‘s guide for Digital 6000 | 52/57
SSC Method List (L 6000)
Tx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"static_netmask":null}}}}
Rx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"static_netmask":""}}}}
11.47 /device/network/ipv4/static_gateway
This method sets and returns the IPv4 settings for IP gateway in manual mode.
type: Read/Write
value: String
Tx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"static_gateway":null}}}}
Rx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"static_gateway":""}}}}
11.48 /device/network/ipv4/ipaddr
This method returns the actual IP address for all modes.
type: Read/Write*
value: String
Tx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"ipaddr":null}}}}
Rx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"ipaddr":""}}}}
11.49 /device/network/ipv4/netmask
This method returns the actual IP netmask for all modes.
type: Read/Write*
value: String
Tx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"netmask":null}}}}
Rx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"netmask":""}}}}
11.50 /device/network/ipv4/gateway
This method returns the actual IP gateway for all modes.
type: Read/Write*
value: String
Tx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"gateway":null}}}}
Rx: {"device":{"network":{"ipv4":{"gateway":""}}}}
11.51 /device/language
User-settable value determining the language to be used for values returned by the server which
are meant to be displayed to the user. Examples are /osc/error/desc, /osc/limits/.../desc, /osc/
limits/.../option_desc. An SSC Client can determine the possible language options by querying /
osc/limits/device/language. Languages are encoded with 2-3-letter-codes as per the locale conven-
tion. Default language is British English, "en_GB". Support for languages is optional. Restricted SSC
Servers may omit description texts completely; they should return an empty string for /device/lan-
guage. Servers offering only one fixed language should return that for /device/language, and refuse
attempts to change it.
type: Read-only
value: [String]
Tx: {"device":{"language":null}}
Rx: {"device":{"language":["en_GB"]}}