Sound Control Protocol Digital 6000 (EM 6000 | L 6000)

Table Of Contents
SSC Developer‘s guide for Digital 6000 | 54/57
SSC Method List (L 6000)
11.54 /device/name
User-settable persistent device name. This name should be the preferred, and most convenient way
for the customer to identify devices. The device name is reflected in the device discovery. The MAC
address will be added to the device name automatically to avoid naming conflicts in the device dis-
covery. (in the example the MAC address is shown as 001b66xxxxxx)
type: Read/Write
value: String
TX: {"device":{"name":null}}
RX: {"device":{"name":"Digital6000-001b66xxxxxx"}}
TX: {"device":{"name":"EM6000"}}
RX: {"device":{"name":"EM6000-001b66xxxxxx"}}
11.55 /device/identify
This method is to identify the L6000 by changing colours of leds.
type: Read-only
Tx: {"device":{"identify":null}}
Rx: {"device":{"identify":true}}}
11.56 /osc/state/prettyprint
SSC reply output style is not supported. Returns false.
11.57 /osc/state/subscribe
A subscription request is sent by a client to a server for an address pattern to subscribe to. The SSC
Server normally accepts the subscription request, and remembers that the requesting client wishes
to be notified about value changes of the subscribed addresses.
Tx: {"osc":{"state":{"subscribe":[{"slot1":{"subslot1":
Rx: {"osc":{"state":{"subscribe":[{"#":{"min":0, "max":0, "lifetime":10,
Rx: {"slot1":{"subslot1":{"accu_detection":true}}}
Subscribing with non-default parameters:
TX: {"osc":{"state":{"subscribe":[{"#":{"min":1000, "max":0,"count":1000,
RX: {"osc":{"state":{"subscribe":[{"#":{"min":1000, "max":0,"count":1000,
RX: {"slot1":{"subslot1":{"accu_detection":true}}}
Parameter value changes:
RX: {"slot1":{"subslot1":{"accu_detection":true}}}
RX: {"slot1":{"subslot1":{"accu_detection":false}}}
RX: {"slot1":{"subslot1":{"accu_detection":true}}}
RX: {"slot1":{"subslot1":{"accu_detection":false}}}
Subscription terminates:
RX: {"osc":{"error":[{"slot1":{"subclot1":{"accu_detection":[310,{"desc":
"subscription terminates"}]}}]}}