Sound Control Protocol Digital 6000 (EM 6000 | L 6000)

Table Of Contents
SSC Developer‘s guide for Digital 6000 | 56/57
SSC Method List (L 6000)
TX: {"osc":{"limits":[{"slot1":{"type":null}}]}}
RX: {"osc":{"limits":[{"slot1":{"type":[{"type":"Number",
"option":[0,1,2,3],"option_desc":["dummy panel (not connected)",
"L 6060 slot","L 6061 slot","unknown / fault"]}]}}]}}
11.63 /osc/schema
The /osc/schema method exists to allow clients to query servers about what address schemes are
available on a specific server. SSC clients MUST be able to understand both bundled and unbundled
replies. The responses are empty JSON objects if the address is an SSC container for more address-
es, JSON null if the address is an SSC method address.
The method /osc/schema may be called with a null parameter. This is equivalent to querying for the
root address schema.
TX: {"osc":{"schema":null}}
RX: {"osc":{"schema":[{"slot1":{},"slot2":{},"slot3":{},"slot4":{},
TX: {"osc":{"schema":[{"audio":null}]}}
RX: {"osc":{"schema":[{"audio":{"out1":{},"ou2":{}}}]}}
11.64 /osc/version
Description: Reports the SSC version implemented in the server.
TX: {"osc":{"version":null}}
RX: {"osc":{"version":"1.0"}}
11.65 /osc/xid
When an SSC Client calls the Method /osc/xid, the parameters supplied for the method will be re-
flected back in the Method Reply of the SSC Server. This can be used by the client to keep track of
client-side per-server state.
TX: {"osc":{"xid":1234567890},"slot1":{"type":null}}
RX: {"osc":{"xid":1234567890},"slot1":{"type":2}}
11.66 /osc/ping
SSC Ping.
11.67 /osc/error
Typically, this method is not requested actively by the client, but the server sends it as the SSC Meth-
od Reply to a faulty SSC Method Call.
The error message MUST contain an integer numeric value, the error code. The error code SHOULD
be chosen from the SSC Error List detailed in chapter 2.
TX: {"out1":{"gain":10}}
RX: {"osc":{"error":[{{"out1":[404,{"desc":"address not found"}]}}]}}
TX: {"slot1":{"type":123456789}}
RX: {"osc":{"error":[{"slot1":{"type":[406,{"desc":"not acceptable"}]}}]}}
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