Users Manual

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Using the EM 9046
58 | Digital 9000
The selection of a suitable booster frequency range depends on several
Required number of transmission links
Sufficient number of unused frequency presets
Sufficient number of transmitters of the correct type (in this example,
transmitters of type B1–B4 or B5–B8, see page 39)
Recommended transmission mode “HD” or “LR”:
HD (High Definition)”: Transmission of an audio signal without audio
data compression. As a result, the audio signal remains pure and
unadulterated. In “HD” transmission mode, the range can be restricted
compared to “LR” transmission mode.
LR (Long Range)”: Transmission of an audio signal whose bit rate is
reduced – before transmission – by an audio data compression tech-
nique (SeDAC, Sennheiser Digital Audio Codec). This compression tech-
nique provides excellent audio quality and a large transmission range.
The sensitivity to interference is reduced compared to “HD” transmis-
sion mode.
Let us assume that you want to set up 8 transmission links and transmit
in “HD” transmission mode with the maximum possible transmission
Have a look at interference zoneHD” (see also above diagram): All
booster frequency ranges except for B6 provide a sufficient number of
unused frequency presets.
Example 1:
8 t
smitters of type B1–B4
Let us assume that you have 8 transmitters of type B1–B4:
You can use any of the booster frequency ranges B1–B4 but you should
select the booster frequency range with the highest number of unused fre-
quency presets: B1.
Interference levels of
antenna A/B in
interference zone
transmission mode
or “LR
LR” or HD
* Transmission mode can be used with a restricted range
It might be that the transmission mode can only be used with a severely restricted range
Booster frequency
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
Number of unused fre-
quency presets in inter-
ference zone “HD”
40 35 27 36 29 6 26 31
Can the booster fre-
quency range be used?
Is there a sufficient
number of transmitters
of the correct type?