Sound Control Protocol for ew D1

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SSC Developer‘s guide for evolution wireless D1 | 24/56
General SSC Address Schema
5.1.15 SSC protocol feature reflection - /osc/feature
This SSC Address Space is provided to enable the SSC Client to query the SSC Server whether op-
tional protocol features are supported. In the spirit of extensibility, the SSC Server MUST send a reply
with a value of false for each feature that is doesn’t know about, even if the feature didn’t exist at all
when the server was implemented. Support for pattern matching on SSC addresses
A client may query /osc/feature/pattern to inquire whether the SSC Server supports pat-
tern-matching meta-characters in SSC addresses.
The support is described by a string containing one character for each supported matching pattern:
‘*’ matches on complete address parts are supported
‘? matches on partial addresses are supported
‘[‘ matches on character ranges are supported
TX: { "osc": { "feature": { "pattern": null }}}
RX: { "osc": { "feature": { "pattern": "*" }}}
If the SSC Server does not support address pattern matching at all, it MAY also reply with false. Support for time tags
A client may query /osc/feature/timetag to inquire whether the SSC Server supports timed
method execution.
TX: { "osc": { "feature": { "timetag": null }}}
RX: { "osc": { "feature": { "timetag": false }}} Support for subscription
A client may query /osc/feature/subscription to inquire whether the SSC Server supports
SSC subscription.
TX: { "osc": { "feature": { "subscription": null }}}
RX: { "osc": { "feature": { "subscription": true }}} Support for method base address
A client may query /osc/feature/baseaddr to inquire whether the SSC Server supports to set a
method base address.
TX: { "osc": { "feature": { "subscription": null }}}
RX: { "osc": { "feature": { "subscription": false }}}
5.2 Generic Device Information and Settings Address Space
- /device
The device settings are parameters that are common to any compliant device on the network that are
relevant to the device as a whole.
5.2.1 /device/identity/product
Read-only string. Product identification, should be identical to the designation on the label on the
product itself.
5.2.2 /device/identity/version
Read-only string. Product version, e.g., firmware revision.
5.2.3 /device/identity/serial
Read-only string. Unique product number, preferrably identical to the number on a product label.