Sound Control Protocol for ew D1

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SSC Developer‘s guide for evolution wireless D1 | 29/56
SSC Transport Layer Adaptations
HTTP may be provided by the SSC Server as HTTP-over-TLS, optionally secured with server or even
client side certificates, if absolute security is required for the SSC system.
6.4 Secure Shell Transport/TCP/IP
This is handled exactly like TCP/IP transport.
6.5 SSC Server Discovery
Networked devices implement DNS-SD (Apple Bonjour) as discovery protocol.
The DNS Service-Type is specified as "_ssc".
Because all networked SSC Servers must implement SSC-over-UDP, they MUST all publish a DNS-SD
service under "_ssc. _udp". Those servers that additionally support TCP MUST publish another DNS-
SD service under "_ssc._tcp".
The DNS-SD service instance name must be identical to the device name accessible as /device/
name. DNS-SD automatic name collision resolution SHOULD be performed, and the resulting name
changes MUST be reflected back into /device/name and the persistent device configuration. The
renaming rules MAY be tailored to suit product specific requirements.
The DNS-SD service registration includes the port numbers used. SSC Clients SHOULD NOT rely on
default ports.
The DNS-SD hostname SHOULD NOT be presented to the user. It may contain a unique identification
part (e.g., derived from the device MAC or serial), to avoid name collisions and automatic renaming.
Additional information about the SSC Server may be provided with an DNS-SD TXT-record.
The following properties are currently defined for the TXT record:
txtvers Version of the TXT record format. Currently "1".
version SSC-Version provided by the SSC Server.
http-uri If this SSC Server offers HTTP(S) transport, the base SSC request URI, including
TCP port number.
An SSC Server providing SSC-over-HTTP transport MUST only publish a DNS-SD record as a web
server "_http._tcp", if it provides a web app or configuration page of interest for the human user. The
URI published in the HTTP DNS-SD-TXT-record is expected to differ from that for SSC-over-HTTP.
6.6 IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee / DECT
One SSC Message per transport packet.
6.7 Low-bandwidth serial infrared link
Tbd. Framing defined separately.
6.8 Byte-stream connections (serial interface etc.)
SSC Messages are separated from the byte stream in the same way as used for TCP/IP connections.
Physical parameters of the serial link are out of the scope of this specification.
6.9 Unidirectional low-bandwidth monitoring
Tbd. Device has defined set of addresses which are permanently monitored.
6.10 Configuration files
Configuration files should be kept readable and editable for humans.
The following two-character sequences are recognised as a Message separator:
ASCII carriage return (13) – newline (10)
ASCII newline (10) – newline (10)