Sound Control Protocol for ew D1

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SSC Developer‘s guide for evolution wireless D1 | 30/56
SSC Transport Layer Adaptations
Normally, a configuration file would contain only one SSC Message, encompassing all configurable
settings. Multiple SSC Messages have the same semantics as if they were sent to an SSC Server in
the sequence as they appear in the file. Allowing multiple Messages in configurations is useful for
log-structured config files, where each setting may be appended, one at a time, as they are config-
ured by the user handling the device.
Further syntactic elements are allowed in SSC files:
"#" as the first character on a line introduces a comments line, which should be ignored by the SSC
As a special comment, "#!" on the first line of a file is interpreted in the UNIX way to indicate the ap-
plication that should handle the file, so that the files may be used as executables.
6.11 Scripting files
See configuration files. Normally, multiple SSC Messages wil be contained in a script, one after the
other. Allow meta-commands for script player:
#! osc: { delay: 3 }
Time stamps may be inserted by SSC logger:
#! osc: { timestamp: "2012-07-26T12:51:22+0200" }
To play back recorded log with logged pauses, starttime-meta-command allows SSC script player to
re-interpret logged time stamps as relative delays:
#! osc: { starttime: "2012-07-26T12:35:46+02:00" }.