Sound Control Protocol for ew D1

Table Of Contents
SSC Developer‘s guide for evolution wireless D1 | 49/56
SSC Method List
Connected with a MD42:
TX: {"mates":{"tx1":{"acoustic":null}}}
RX: {"mates":{"tx1":{"acoustic":"MD42"}}}
8.59 /mates/tx1/warnings
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: Link must be established between transmitter and sRX1.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to get transmitter warnings connected to the sRX1. Supported warnings are "" if
there is no warning or "Low Bat" if the capacity of a rechargeable battery is below a certain level or if
the voltage of a battery is below a certain level, the levels are depending on the battery manufacturer
and type of transmitter.
TX: {"mates":{"tx1":{"warnings":null}}}
RX: {"mates":{"tx1":{"warnings":["Low Bat"]}}}
8.60 /audio/out1/label
Parameter type: String
Permission: Read only
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to retrieve the output label.
TX: {"audio":{"out1":{"label":null}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out1":{"label": ["AF OUT BAL +18 dBu max","AF OUT UNBAL"]}}}
8.61 /audio/out1/level_db
Parameter type: Number (limit range)
Permission: Read only, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: N.A.
Post-condition: N.A.
Description: Method to retrieve the actual output level on the sRX1. The parameter value is inside a
defined range [-80..0].
TX: {"audio":{"out1":{"level_db":null}}}
RX: {"audio":{"out1":{"level_db":-56}}}
8.62 /audio/out1/gain_db
Parameter type: Number (limit range)
Permission: Read/Write, Subscribe-able
Pre-condition: The parameter value must an integer value in the range [0..30]
Post-condition: The change has immediately effect.
Description: Method to retrieve/modify the Output gain in dB. This parameter is related to the sRX1
UI menu item "Audio Level" under "Audio Settings".