Instruction manual and frequently asked questions - Evolution Wireless Digital (EW-D | EW-DX)

Products of the EW-DX series
The EW-DX SKM-S handheld transmitter with mute switch is
available in the following versions:
EW-DX SKM-S (Q1–9) | 470.2 – 550 MHz | Art. no. 509412
EW-DX SKM-S (R1–9) | 520 – 607.8 MHz | Art. no. 509413
EW-DX SKM-S (S1–10) | 606.2 – 693.8 MHz | Art. no. 509414
EW-DX SKM-S (S2–10) | 614.2 – 693.8 MHz | Art. no. 509417
EW-DX SKM-S (S4–10) | 630 – 693.8 MHz | Art. no. 509418
EW-DX SKM-S (U1/5) | 823.2 831.8 MHz & 863.2 864.8 MHz
| Art. no. 509419
EW-DX SKM-S (V3–4) | 925.2 – 937.3 MHz | Art. no. 509421
EW-DX SKM-S (V5–7) | 941.7 951.8 MHz & 953.05 956.05
MHz & 956.65 – 959.65 MHz | Art. no. 509422
EW-DX SKM-S (Y1–3) | 1785.2 – 1799.8 MHz | Art. no. 509423
You can f i nd mor e det ail ed i nf or mati on about t he E W- DX
SKM and EW-DX SKM-S in the following sections:
Startup and operation: „EW-DX SKM | EW-DX SKM-S
handheld transmitter“
Specifications: „EW-DX SKM | EW-DX SKM-S hand-
held transmitter“
Compatible microphone modules: „Replacing the
microphone module“