Instruction manual and frequently asked questions - Evolution Wireless Digital (EW-D | EW-DX)

EW-D EM rack receiver
TUNE menu item
Under the TUNE menu item, you can manually set the radio
frequency independently of the preset channels.
If you are not sure whether the selected frequency is free,
we recommend performing a scan to detect all free fre-
quencies: „AUTO SCAN menu item“.
Open the TUNE menu item.
The item flashes on the display as follows.
Press the UP or DOWN button to set the frequency in the
megahertz range.
Press the SET button to save the set value.
The item flashes on the display as follows.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to finely adjust the frequen-
cy in the kilohertz range.
Press the SET button to accept the displayed frequency.
Press the ESC button to cancel the setting.
The previous frequency remains unchanged.
If you have set a new frequency, you must still synchro-
nize the receiver with the transmitter to establish the ra-
dio link (see Establishing a radio link | Synchronizing the
receiver and transmitter“).