Sound Control Protocol - (Firmware 1.1.3)

Table Of Contents
SSC Developer‘s guide for EW-DX | 39/57
SSC Method List (EW-DX EM 2)
8.92 /rx2/audio
Information about active audio inputs/outputs of the receiver channel 2 stored as array of string
type: Read-only
value: String
type: String
const: true
writeable: false
count: 1
Tx: {"rx2":{"audio":null}}
Rx: {"rx2":{"audio":["audio1/out2"]}}
8.93 /rx2/restore
Command to restore device audio default settings of receiver channel 2.
Valid options: "AUDIO_DEFAULTS" (restore audio defaults only).
type: Write-only
value: String
type: String
const: false
writeable: true
Option Description
AUDIO_DEFAULTS Restore audio defaults only
8.94 /audio1/out1/level
AF output level for receiver channel 1.
Valid values in range [-24dB..+18dB], increment step = 6dB.
type: Read/Write
value: Number
type: Number
const: false
writeable: true
units: dB
max: 18
min: -24
inc: 6
subscr: true