User Manual

Table Of Contents
Sennheiser SpeechLine – True to the word
SpeechLine IS microphone series | 7
D) Typical table shapes - U-shaped, round, long, rows
Depending on the configuration of the tables in a room, different
icrophones can be selected. In the case of a small round table, for
example, a microphone with an omni-directional pick-up pattern (shown
as a blue circle) is adequate to pick up all participants uniformly.
Directional microphones (shown as a semicircle) are suitable for rows of
tables. These microphones minimize the sound coming from the rear and
the sides. In oblong conference rooms with long tables, a combination of
directional and omni-directional microphones can be a good solution.
E) Speaker is seated
For conferences in which the speakers ar
e seated, planning is easy as the
distance between the speaker and the microphone is easy to estimate or
measure. Here, the microphone is simply placed on the table and oriented
towards the speaker.
F) Speaker is standing
In the case of presentations held at a
lectern, the speaker is usually in a
standing position. Here, the distance between lectern and mouth is
virtually as large as it is with a seated speaker. In courtrooms, the speakers
frequently stand up although the table in front of them is often of
“normal” height. In this case, long gooseneck microphones should be used
ideally in order to reduce the distance between the microphone capsule
and the speaker.