Digital Workflows by - software-supported workflows designed for the daily business routine

Digital Workflows by Sennheiser | 2/10
How to save time, cost and hassle with
software-supported workflows by Sennheiser
Table of contents
How to save time, cost and hassle with software-
supported workflows by Sennheiser..............................................3
Definition: What is a digital workflow?............................................4
Sennheiser Control Cockpit: Everything under control..............................4
3 eye-opening Digital Workflows that re-define daily business routines ..............5
1. Digital battery management: How to check battery status...................... 5
2. Location-based management: How to support the user at his actual position ..... 6
3. Staying up-to-date: How to benefit from updates in a snap......................7
Digital Workflows by Sennheiser.................................................8
The benefits of Digital Workflows ...............................................9
Network Requirements: What do you need for Digital Workflows by Sennheiser? .....10
Download the Sennheiser Control Cockpit .......................................10