Digital Workflows by - software-supported workflows designed for the daily business routine

Digital Workflows by Sennheiser | 6/10
How to save time, cost and hassle with
software-supported workflows by Sennheiser
2. Location-based management: How to support the user at
his actual position
Before the emergence of network-enabled devices and adding location meta data to devices,
wireless microphones had to be managed in a complicated way – offline. Digital Workflows by
Sennheiser are optimized for location-based processes and offer a broad range of support features.
If something like a run-flat battery occurs or the microphone user may be confused with a mute
status, the service or help desk personnel gets the call from the microphone user from his location:
“I am in room xyz and the microphone is not working”.
This can have various reasons: maybe the microphone is simply muted, maybe the battery is emp-
ty, maybe the microphone belongs to another location and is not linked up. With the Sennheiser
Control Cockpit, it can easily be identified what the actual cause for the support inquiry is and the
problem can be solved fast.
As a supporter you need to interact with the microphone user in the respective location. No longer
is it required to take the walk to the location to review, analyze and trouble-shoot, all of this can be
done anywhere on the campus, anywhere within the network.
The Sennheiser Control Cockpit is accessible anywhere on the campus via a browser and is mana-
ged by locations. You can either access the location overview to directly switch to the room where
the user is located. Or you can filter or search for either room or devices in the device list. Digital
workflows are not just digitized processes as such. They also allow for seamless hardware-software
interaction. With “filter by remote identify” activated, any identification of a wireless microphone or
stationary receiver will bring this very device into selection in the Sennheiser Control Cockpit. You
know exactly which device the user is holding. Moreover, remote identification is possible by either
pressing the identify button on a device or in the software interface which will trigger flashing LEDs
for direct feedback.
Knowing the device and location now allows for support. If the microphone is simply muted, the
mute switch status can be altered in the software, activating the user’s microphone and making it
“work” again. If the battery is empty, you can either guide towards a fully charged microphone or
prepare a spare one with a remotely triggered pairing process.
All settings that can be adjusted on the device hardware are accessible within the software – and
even some more. Potential issues can be identified quickly and direct trouble-shooting without the
necessity to walk to the respective location is possible.