User's Manual

Eversense CGM User Guide
Enter the units of insulin according to Time and Insulin type.
1. Tap Menu > Event Log.
2. Add an event using the event icon “
” > Insulin.
3. Tap Time to enter the correct date and time.
Tap Done.
4. Tap Units to enter the correct number of Units.
Tap Done.
Note: The maximum insulin units that can be entered is 200U.
5. Tap Type to enter the correct Type of Insulin.
Tap Done.
6. Tap Notes to enter any notes.
Tap Done.
7. Tap Save to save entry and return to EVENT LOG screen. Tap Cancel to exit without
saving changes.
LBL-0202-01-001 Rev 1_Eversense User Guide_mgdL_R6.indd 73 7/22/16 11:39 AM