User's Manual

Eversense CGM User Guide
App Display
Out of Range High Glucose*
Appears when your glucose value is higher
than 400 mg/dL.
No glucose reading can be displayed (only
HI is displayed on the MY GLUCOSE
Calibration Past Due
Appears when your system is past due for
No glucose readings can be displayed until
calibration is performed.
Calibration Expired
Appears when a calibration has not been
performed in 24 hours. The system returns to
the Initialization Phase.
No glucose reading can be displayed until
calibration is performed.
Measure your glucose manually by using your
blood glucose meter. Always confirm your
glucose value with a blood glucose meter test
before making a treatment decision.
Once the sensor glucose value is at or lower
than 400 mg/dL, glucose readings will resume
on the display.
Perform a fingerstick calibration in order to
resume displaying glucose values.
In the Initialization Phase, you must perform
4 fingerstick calibration tests spaced 2 – 12
hours apart. Display of glucose readings will
resume after the 2nd successful fingerstick
calibration test.
Alert Descriptions and Actions (continued)
LBL-0202-01-001 Rev 1_Eversense User Guide_mgdL_R6.indd 61 7/22/16 11:39 AM