User's Manual

µltraWaveProductGuide Page 3
1 System planning
The μltraWave Microwave Detection Sensor is designed for exterior perimeter intrusion detection
applications. μltraWave consists of a microwave transmitter and receiver, which detect motion in a
defined area (see Figure 1
). The transmitter sends microwave signals to the receiver, and any
motion in the detection zone causes a variation in the received signal strength. The signal
variations are detected and processed by the receiver, which declares an intrusion alarm when the
received signal meets the criteria for a valid target.
The transmitter and receiver units are housed in weatherproof enclosures. Each enclosure
contains electronic circuitry and an antenna. Both units can be wired to report enclosure tamper
Site planning & design
The amount of site preparation required depends on the level of security. High security
applications require more stringent specifications than do applications where only a beam-break
alarm is required. Use the following definitions to determine the level of security required:
High Security Zone - detection of an intruder stomach-crawling parallel to the beam.
Medium Security Zone - detection of an intruder crawling on hands and knees.
Low Security Zone - detection of an upright walking intruder (beam-break alarm).
The physical specifications for a high security detection zone are:
maximum transmitter/receiver separation distance of 100 m (328 ft.)
terrain must be level to grade ± 7.5 cm (3 in.)
terrain covered with a 10 cm (4 in.) layer of crushed stone (2 cm {0.75 in.} max.) or a paved
zone free of vegetation
Figure 1 µltraWave microwave detection sensor
partial coverage
mounting height
full coverage
detection zone
partial coverage
beam centerline
offset area
offset area