User's Manual

ID: MXUGPTC1 which means a TouchRead was
attempted on an unsupported meter (Neptune).
ID: MXUGPTC2 which means that the port was
configured for a meter type that supports TouchRead
(Sensus only) but there was no response from the meter.
5.) If unsuccessful detection, the TouchRead will start the activation
process again. The ID on the AutoGun will display MXUGPTC0 similar
to the step 2 above.
Note: Once the radio is activated and it detected what is connected, the
only way to change its configuration as to what is connected is to
deactivate the radio using a programming tool and re-activate the radio or
use a programming tool to reprogram the port manually.
Warning… Programming a port manually will not allow the unit to perform
an automatic detection on that port unless reset to “AutoDetect”. The
activation process will not reset the port type.