User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3–20 Sensus Metering Systems
Chapter 3: Find Route Information
4 Press the ENTER key.
No Matches Found Message The system displays the results of the search.
If the system cannot find the information you entered,
then the screen displays a No Matches Found message.
Press the Esc key to clear the No Matches Found
message and end the search.
If the system finds more than one match for the
information you entered, the screen displays the first
match, along with the following choices:
Search Results Screen Stop here - Press the ENTER key to stop the search on
the displayed location.
Next Location - Press the TAB> key and the system
displays the next location in the search results.
You can use the TAB> key to scroll through the entire
list of search results. Once you reach the end of the
search results, the system displays a No More Matches
Found message.
No More Matches Found
Press the Esc key to clear the No More Matches Found
message and end the search.
 Find Limit Violators
The office staff typically configures high/low limits for the
readings from each meter along the route. This assigns a
range of acceptable readings for each location. As you are
reading meters, you may encounter readings that do not fall
within the preset limits. If a reading does not fall within this
range, the AR5000 sounds an audible warning and displays
the Limit Check screen (see
Enter Data
on page 2-14/
Manual Readings
on page 2-14). At any time during the
reading process, you can review a list of the violators.