User's Manual

SENTON Enterprises Limited
Flat 10, 17/F, Fo Tan Industrial Centre, 香港沙田火炭坳背灣街 26-28
26-28 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong 富騰工業中心 17 10
Tel: (852) 2687-1712 Fax: (852) 2687-4125 電話: (八五二) 二六八七 一七一二 (四線)
E-mail address: 傳真: (八五二) 二六八七 四一二五
041504A-1 38
charge time. When you notice the usable charge duration decreasing, fully discharge the Ni-Cd battery
and recharge as described:
1. Unplug the telephone line cord from the Excursion
2. Make sure that the adapter is connected.
3. Lift the handset out of the base cradle.
4. Press the TALK button of the handset and start discharging.
Once the Symbol LOW Battery appears on LCD display, it means that the battery level is low. Let it fully
discharge for 12 hours. Once the Ni-Cd battery is fully discharged, you may now charge the battery to its
full capacity.
1. Make sure the adapter and telephone line cord are connected to the Excursion
2. Place the handset on the base cradle. The CHARGE LED indicator of the base unit will light
3. Leave the handset charging on the base for 14 hours continuously to get a maximum charge.
4. The Excursion
35178 is now ready for regular use. Discharge and charge the Ni-Cd battery again
once you notice a decrease in the useable charge time.
1. Your phone should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heaters, stoves or any
other appliance that produces heat.
2. Use a slightly damp cloth to clean the plastic cabinet. A mild soap will help to remove grease or oil.
Never use polish, solvents, abrasives or strong detergents since these can damage the finish.
This cordless phone uses radio frequencies to allow mobility. There are certain difficulties in using radio
frequencies with a cordless telephone. While these are normal, the following could affect the operation of
your system.
NOISE: Electric pulse noise is present in most homes at one time or another. This noise is most intense
during electrical storms. Certain kinds of electric equipment such as light dimmers, fluorescent bulbs,
motors, and fans also generate noise pulses. Because radio frequencies are susceptible to these noise
pulses, you may occasionally hear them in your handset. Generally, they are minor annoyances and
should not be interpreted as defects in your system.
RANGE: Because radio frequencies are used, location of the base unit can affect operating range. Try