User's Manual

SYLVANIA Z-Wave Lighting and Appliance Control System Manual
4.5 Burglar Deterrent
By activating the Burglar Deterrent the Remote Control will randomly turn lamps
and electrical appliances connected to an Z-Wave enabled Outlet Adaptor
Dimmer and/or High Power on and off during in the time interval set by the user
in the customize time menu and hereby simulate activity in the house. By default
no Outlet Adaptors are included in the “Burglar Deterrent mode” therefore the
first step is to include the Outlet Adaptors that should be randomly
activated/deactivated by the Burglar Deterrent.
Please Note before you begin using the burglar deterrent function:
1. When the Burglar Deterrent period ends or is deactivated by the user, the
Remote Control will turn OFF all the Outlet Adaptors it currently has marked
as activated. This may include Outlet Adaptors that were already on before
the Burglar Deterrent was started.
2. Because of the randomness involved, the actual start time when the Burglar
Deterrent activates the first Outlet Adaptor will vary from the start time with
+/-15 minutes.
3. After burglar deterrent has activated the first Unit it will make sure that at
least one Unit is on during the burglar deterrent period.
4. If only one Unit is included in burglar deterrent this Unit will be turned on
when burglar deterrent activates the first time and not be turned off until
burglar deterrent ends. This is a result of 3.
5. When the end time is reached it will take form 0 to 59 minutes before it turns
off the nodes it activated.
6. Burglar deterrent information is only stored in the remode.
Bu rg la r
de te rr an t
Ac ti va te
Br gl r. D et .
E xc lu de
U ni t
I n cl ud e
U n it