User's Manual

¾ View: view the created memos.
¾ View all: View all the created memos.
¾ Add event: create new memo.
¾ Delete event: Delete the created memos.
¾ Jump to Date: jump to specified date.
¾ Go to today: view the calendar in today.
¾ Go to weekly view: view the calendar in week (month).
4.7.2 Tasks
Add task: create a new agenda and add a clock alarm. Five options can be chosen as follows: one time, every day,
user-define, each week and each month.
¾ View: view the saved tasks.
¾ Add :
------Start time: prompt time of memo.
------End time: end time of memo.
------Subject: contents displayed on screen when prompt.
------Alarm: activate/deactivate alarm clock.
1. Once: this memo prompts only once.
2. Everyday: alarm at specified time everyday.
3. Custom: set the time that the alarm rings in a week.
4. Weekly: the memo prompts once every week.
5. Monthly: the memo prompts once every month.
------ Priority: select High, Medium or Low.
------ Details:.
------ Status: select Undone, Done.
¾ Edit: edit the saved memo.
¾ Delete: delete one selected memo.
¾ Delete overdue: delete overdue memos.
¾ Delete All: delete all saved memos.
¾ Jump to date: jump to specified date.
¾ View uncompleted: view umcompleted mission.
¾ Send vcalendar: send selected memo to another mobile phone or save it in another position.
¾ Save as file: save to phone or memory card.
4.7.3 Alarm
The machine can be set 5 groups of alarm clock:
¾ Switch: activate/deactivate the alarm clock.
¾ Time: set the time of ringing.
¾ Repeat:
------Once: the clock alarms only once.
------Everyday: alarm at specified time everyday.