Technical Specs

Note: When the mobile phone indicates that some calls are missed, you can select Read to enter the missed
calls list. Navigate to a missed call and then press the Dial key to dial the number that originated that call.
Dialed Calls
You can view the latest dialed calls. Choose dialed calls and then select a dialed call to delete, save, dial,
or edit (or send a short message to it).
Received Calls
You can view the latest received calls. Choose received calls and then select a received call to delete,
save, dial, or edit (or send a short message to it).
Rejected Calls
You can view the latest rejected calls. Choose rejected calls and then select a rejected call to delete, save,
dial, or edit (or send a short message to it).
Delete call
You can delete all the latest call records.
Call timers
Choose Call timers to view the last call time, the total time of all dialed calls, the total time of all
received calls and the total time of call history or to reset all the time.