Technical Specs

Phone settings
Date & time:set the time, set the date, Set the date format, the time format and update time.
Note: If you remove the battery from the mobile phone or if the battery energy was exhausted a long
time ago, you may need to reset the date and time when re-inserting the battery or powering on the mobile
phone after recharging.
Language settings:Select the display language and writing language for the mobile phone.
Shortcut settings:Select preferred function as shortcut on screen direction key as needed.
Auto power on/off :Set the time when the mobile phone will be automatically powered on or off.
Restore factory settings: You can cancel the setting you set. The original code is 1234.
Users can access this item to set Wallpaper, Idle display settings, Contrast, Backlight and auto Keypad
lock etc.
This function provides you with related settings about safety use
PIN: To activate PIN lock, you need to input the correct PIN code. If you set PIN lock to On, you need
to input the PIN each time you power on the mobile phone. In the case you input a wrong PIN for three
consecutive times; you need to input the PIN Unblocking Key (PUK). The PUK is used to unlock and
change the locked PIN. To obtain the PUK, contact the network operator.
Modify PIN2: To change PIN2 code of PIN code.