User's Manual

[DM command]
d ver
keeps showing log messages from the WiMAX MAC. The user can switch it to “interactive mode” by typing
in ‘q’ in the console. During interactive mode, all the MAC messages are temporarily suppressed and the
connection manager shows the prompt “DM>” for the user to enter commands. The user can also switch back
to “monitoring mode” by simply entering “Enter” key.
2.2.1. System Commands param
This command shows the parameter block content. version
This command shows the version of connection manager. shell
This command is used to invoke a system shell (/bin/sh) inside the connection manager. reboot
This command is used to reboot the system. help
This command displays (not all) commands and their usage.
2.2.2. WiMAX Connection Manager Commands wb_gs
This command is used to read the current state the device is in. The device can be in one of the following
NULL: This is the initial device state when its modem and RF is turned off.
OUT OF ZONE: The device cannot locate any available WiMAX network
STANDBY: The device has achieved PHY and MAC synchronization and keeps listening to
DCD/UDC, DL-MAP, and UL-MAP from the base station.
NETENTRY: The device is in network entry procedure. It has the following sub-states:
NETENTRY_RANGING: The device is in initial ranging phase.
NETENTRY_SBC: The device is in SBC phase.
NETENTRY_PKM: The device is in PKM phase.
NETENTRY_REG: The device is in Registration phase.
NETENTRY_DSX: The device is in ISF creation phase.
ACTIVE: The device has successfully made connection to the network. wb_ru
This command is used to turn on WiMAX modem and RF. The WiMAX device then starts scanning the
WiMAX network on pre-defined channel. If the device finds available WiMAX network, the device state is
changed to STANDBY; otherwise to OUT OF ZONE. wb_rd