User's Manual

7. Multi User CPE LAN Setup
7.1 DHCP Server Setup --------------------------------------- 39
7.2 MAC Address Setup -------------------------------------- 40
7.3 LAN Status Information ---------------------------------- 41
8. Application Support Setup
8.1 Firewall Setup ---------------------------------------------- 42
8.2 Firewall regulation Setup(Filter) ------------------------ 43
8.3 Port Forwarding -------------------------------------------- 44
8.4 Port Trigger ------------------------------------------------- 45
8.5 DMZ Setup ------------------------------------------------- 46
8.6 UPnP Setup ------------------------------------------------- 47
8.7 VPN Passthrough Setup ---------------------------------- 48
8.8 QoS Setup --------------------------------------------------- 49
8.9 DDNS Setup ------------------------------------------------ 50
9. Switch Setup
9.1 Switch Basic Setup --------------------------------------- 51
9.2 Switch Advanced Setup --------------------------------- 52
9.3 Switch Status Information ------------------------------- 50
10. Administrator Function Setup
10.1 Administrator Password Setup ------------------------- 51
10.2 Setup ----------------------------------------------------- 52
10.3 Firmware Upgrade ------------------------------------- 53
11. WCM
11.1 Software Installation ----------------------------------- 54
11.2 How to use WCM -------------------------------------- 56
12. References
12.1 LAN CABLE Standard Materials ------------------- 63
12.2 IP Router PING Test Method ------------------------ 64
12.3 Product Specifications -------------------------------- 65
12.4 Troubleshooting -------------------------------------- 66
12.5 Product Warranty and Customer Support ---------- 68