User's Guide

Table Of Contents
To program a single radio
A data/programming cable, with either an RS232 (D-type) connector or a USB connector, is
available from Sepura for customising a single radio.
A data/programming cable, with either an RS232 (D-type) connector or a USB connector, is
available from Sepura for customising a single radio.
1. Connect the USBprogramming cable to the computer.
Connect the cable to the radio by inserting the hook on the connector into the slot as shown.
Secure the cable in position. Do not over tighten.
4. When programming is complete disconnect the cable from the radio.
Revert radio settings to customisation settings
Users have the ability to add personal data to the radio, such as adding contacts to the phonebook,
changing the talkgroups and sending and receiving SDS/Status messages. Such changes may be
undesirable on fleet radios that have been specifically customised for fleet users—where radios are
not personal processions. Using the Revert All Changes option, the radio settings can be reset
back to the last customisation settings.
There is also a Revert Non-Personal Changes option that allows users to reset the radio settings
back to the last customisation, but keep their personal changes to the phonebook, talkgroups and
To revert the radio settings:
1. Select Menu>Options>Settings, then select the Revert User Changes option.
2. Select the option you require. Press the Select key.
User Guide 117