User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Character sets
You can use character sets to change the style of the text, and to enter numbers and special
characters. The character set can be changed as often as required when entering text. The following
character sets are supported:
Character set Description
Auto-capitalisation (Abc) The first letter is entered in upper-case, with all following
characters in lower-case. New sentences start with a capital
letter and end with a full stop (.), question mark (?) or
exclamation mark (!) followed by one or more spaces.
Upper case (ABC) All characters are entered in upper-case.
Lower case (abc) All characters are entered in lower-case.
Numeric (123) All characters are numbers.
Special characters(!.@) You can select special characters such as full stops (.), semi-
colon (;) and commas (,) by pressing the 0 key. Further
special characters #@!”£$%&’()*+- are available on
the # key.
Chinese characters Simplified and Zhiyan. See Chinese character sets below.
The selected character set is indicated on the status line at the top of the display.
Chinese character sets
Simplified Chinese
You can build up Simplified Chinese characters by pressing the appropriate keys on the keypad to
input strokes. As strokes are entered they display in the top left of the character selection box and the
set of possible matching characters is displayed above the Context keys.
You can also use pinyin to enter a phonetic version of a Simplified Chinese character (e.g. ‘Lu’)
which is displayed in the top left of the character selection box—in the same place as the strokes
described above—and the set of possible matching characters is displayed above the Context keys.
When the right and/or left arrow icons are displayed in the character selection box, use the Left and
Right navigation keys to select from the characters displayed. To see further characters press the
Down navigation key, and press the Up navigation key to return to characters already viewed. The
characters are displayed in sets of seven.
To enter the highlighted characterpress Insert or press the Select/Send key.
Zhiyan Chinese
Zhiyan Chinese characters are composed and entered in a similar way to Simplified Chinese
characters, however when the keys are pressed to input the strokes that build up the character you
must then press the Select/Send key to display the set of possible matching characters.
User Guide 67