User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Picture messages
Picture messages
Your radio can receive picture messages which may have accompanying text. You may also be
alerted by an alarm (if specified in the message) and vibration and LED alerts (if customised). (You
cannot reply to or forward a picture messages.)
You can press any key to stop the audible alarm.
Open picture message
Select a picture message then click Open.
To view the image full screen, use Options > View Image.
The image and any text associated with it are displayed.
If the image data has been corrupted the Broken Picture icon is displayed.
Paging alerts
The Paging Alerts feature allows the radio to act as a pager when it is in normal operating mode or
when you select a user profile which results in the radio appearing to be switched off. (See User
profiles on page94.) The Paging Alerts feature is triggered by receipt of a Status message which
is automatically displayed.
If there is also an associated SDS message to explain the reason for the Paging Alert this is
automatically displayed on the radio. If a call is in progress the Paging Alert interrupts it. The SDS
message is marked with an icon to indicate that it is associated with a Paging Alert.
When the Paging Alert is triggered you hear a discordant two tone alarm and the tri-colour LED
flashes amber to indicate that a Status message has been received. To stop the two tone alert press
any key.
Your radio can be customised so that a Paging Alert automatically makes it fully operational on
receipt of the Status message which triggered the Paging Alert.
User Guide 75