User's Guide

Table Of Contents
the talkgroups it contains are scanned, allowing your radio to receive calls from any of the
talkgroups in the UDSL
the UDSL icon is displayed in the right hand corner of the radio display
calls are made to the talkgroup designated as the 'selected talkgroup'. If there is no selected
talkgroup in the UDSL, calls are made to the talkgroup with the highest priority.
Each talkgroup in a UDSL can have up to three different levels of user-definable group scan
priorities which are used by your radio when deciding which call to follow when a call on one
talkgroup is active and a call on another talkgroup is received. The scan priority of each talkgroup in a
UDSL is shown at the right hand side of the screen as (High), (Normal) or (Low). You can
designate a selected talkgroup in each UDSL. You can add and remove talkgroups from a UDSL.
View and edit scan list
1. Select Menu > Groups > Scan Lists.
2. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to select one of the UDSLs and press Open.
3. Press Edit.
Change default (selected) talkgroup
1. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to select one of the talkgroups in the UDSL.
2. Select Edit > Options > Select.
3. Select Edit > Options > Save.
Add a talkgroup
1. Press Options > Add.
2. The talkgroup selection box is activated. Select a talkgroup as described in Selecting a
talkgroup on page39 then press Select.
3. Select Edit > Options > Save.
Remove a talkgroup
Select the talkgroup you wish to remove then:
1. Select Edit > Options > Delete.
2. Select Edit > Options > Save.
User Guide 43