Terms and Conditions

Table Of Contents
Your radio is customised by your service provider or organisation with a
number of features that are accessed from the main menu.
To open the main menu, in the Home screen press Menu.
To open a sub-menu or menu option, scroll to the option (highlight it) and
press Select.
To return to a higher level menu, press Back.
To return to the Home screen at any time within the menu hierarchy,
press and hold (2 seconds) the Cancel/Home key.
Menu options
The following icons are used to identify the sub-menus that provide access to
further options.
Icon Menu option
Add, edit and delete your personal contacts within your personal
folder. Search (or filter) your contacts to locate the contact you
want and initiate a call. Review you call history.
Read, create, save and send text (SDS) messages. View picture
messages (if customised). Clear your mailbox of unwanted
Search your talkgroup folders and select a talkgroup. Enable
scanning of your selected talkgroups. Set up your speech call
Manage your GPS location and position settings. View your
current location, direction and speed.
Your radio may be customised with a number of applications such
as Man-down and Lone Worker. Your service provider or
organisation may have installed specific applications (Short Data
Applications) to help you in your role. Access WAP sites.
User Guide