Data Sheet

SEQUANS Communications
Documentation Conventions
This section illustrates the conventions that are used in this document.
General Conventions
Note Important information requiring the users attention.
Caution A condition or circumstance that may cause damage to the equipment or loss of
Warning A condition or circumstance that may cause personal injury.
Italics Italic font style denotes
emphasis of an important word;
first use of a new term;
title of a document.
Screen Name Sans serif, bold font denotes
on-screen name of a window, dialog box or field;
keys on a keyboard;
labels printed on the equipment.
Software Conventions
Code Regular Courier font denotes code or text displayed on-screen.
Code Bold Courier font denotes commands and parameters that you enter exactly as
shown. Multiple parameters are grouped in brackets [ ]. If you are to choose only
one among grouped parameters, the choices are separated with a pipe: [parm1 |
parm2 | parm3] If there is no pipe separator, you must enter each parameter:
[parm1 parm2 parm3]
Code Italic Courier font denotes parameters that require you to enter a value or
variable. Multiple parameters are grouped in brackets [ ]. If you are to choose
only one among grouped parameters, the choices are separated with a pipe:
[parm1 | parm2 | parm3] If there is no pipe separator, you must enter a value for
each parameter: [parm1 parm2 parm3]