User Manual

sequence two, it controls sequence one, and Slew in sequence four controls
sequence three.
In the Prophet ’08’s sequencer, Slew sets the slew rate between the previous
step’s value and the current step’s value when the step is gated on. Confused
yet? This should help: let’s say sequence one is routed to oscillator frequency
and sequence two to Slew. Increasing the Slew value for step four will cause the
oscillator frequency to glide from the step three value when step four is gated
on. The higher the Slew value, the slower the slew rate. And the slew rate can be
different for each step. But its not just for oscillator glide. Slew can be applied to
any of the destinations. For example, sequence three could be routed to filter
cutoff with Slew in sequence four used to create a less abrupt transition from
one step to the next.
Note: Depending upon the BPM and Clock Divide settings, the slew rate
can actually exceed the time the envelopes are gated on, causing a step in
the affected sequence to not reach its set value. For example, if Slew is
applied to oscillator frequency, high Slew values may cause a step to
sound flat or sharp. If that’s not what you want, simply reduce the Slew
Sequencer Trigger Modes
The Sequencer Trigger mode determines how the sequencer reacts to triggers
and what constitutes a trigger. Sequencer Trigger is found in the Miscellaneous
Parameters section. The different modes are:
Normal–A note on, from either the local keyboard or via MIDI, causes the
sequencer to play from the first step. The sequencer resets to step one each time
a new note is played. Each sequence step gates the envelopes.
No Reset–As above, but the sequencer does not reset to step one for each note
played. The sequencer is effectively free running.
No Gate–The keyboard gates the envelopes, but the sequencer does not. The
sequencer resets to step one each time a new note is played.
NoGateNR–As above, but the sequencer does not reset to step one for each note
played. Again, the sequencer is effectively free running.
Key Step–Striking any key or playing a note via MIDI advances the sequencer
one step.
Syncing an LFO to the Sequencer
One very useful way to modulate a parameter in sync with a sequence is using
an LFO with Clock Sync. A setting of 16 Steps for LFO Frequency with a